
The Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) provides a single, comprehensive record of your achievements throughout your time at University - including your academic work, prizes and employability awards like the Bolton Award, and other extra-curricular activities that have been verified by the University, such as voluntary work, student representative roles and offices held in Student Union clubs and societies.

The HEAR is an electronic document produced by the University; it adheres to a template, incorporates the European Diploma Supplement and may be accessed and shared electronically at any time during your time with the University and afterwards.

This tutorial will tell you more about the HEAR, what information it contains, how you access and use it, and how it can benefit you and help you stand out from the crowd. Sources of further information and assistance are provided. As a starting point the following diagrams provide a useful overview:

Following the tutorial there are some simple questions which assess your understanding of the HEAR.

View a sample HEAR which shows you the kind of information it contains:

Printable Handout


The Higher Education Achievement Report