Updated February 2025
Turnitin is the University’s adopted web-based academic writing toolkit which allows tutors to provide feedback and grade students’ work. Turnitin also provides originality reports to help detect plagiarism. It is likely that you will have to submit assignments via Turnitin as part of your studies. Moodle hosts Turnitin via a direct link so you don’t have to log into a different place to submit your assignments.
This section explains what Turnitin is, why it is used, how to submit your work and how to print out your originality report.
We have included a selection of FAQs which may answer some of your Turnitin questions and videos of how to submit your work and print out a similarity report if required by your tutor.
Watch the videos and then complete the assessment to earn your Turnitin LEAP Online badge.
How do I find out if Turnitin is experiencing technical issues?
Please refer to the Turnitin Staus page.
Turnitin is a global system, for UK related issues please look for Turnitin UK.
What file types can I upload to Turnitin?
You can find a comprehensive list of file types accepted for submission here:
Submissions must be less than 100Mb and less than 800 pages.
What browser should I use to access Turnitin?
You can find comprehensive system requirements for Turnitin here:
Can I upload image files to Turnitin?
In most circumstances no.
Turnitin is a text based similarity detection tool and will reject submissions containing just images unless your tutor has opted to use the 'Allow submission of any type' option in the assignment settings.
Please contact you tutor for further support and guidance.
Can I upload video files to Turnitin?
In most circumstances no.
Turnitin is a text based similarity detection tool and will reject submissions containing video unless your tutor has opted to use the 'Allow submission of any type' option in the assignment settings.
Please contact you tutor for further support and guidance.
Can I upload multiple files to Turnitin?
YES, but only if the Turnitin assignment is set up in multiple parts.
If the Turnitin assignment is set up as one part you will only be able to submit one piece of work.
Please contact your tutor for further support and guidance relating to this matter.
When can I submit my work to Turnitin?
Turnitin assignments can’t accept submissions until the assignment start date and time is reached.
In a similar way you can't submit after the assignment due date, unless your tutor has enabled late submissions.
Please contact your tutor for further support and guidance relating to this matter.
How do I know if my submission was successfully uploaded?
If your submission(s) was successfully uploaded you will receive a digital receipt at the end of each submission process. You have the option to view or print a digital receipt by clicking the 'View Digital Receipt' link to the left of the Submission Title column in the assignemnt submission portal.
Can I resubmit my work to Turnitin?
YES, providing your tutor has allowed resubmission of work until the assignment due date for the Turnitin assignment. In this instance you will be able to overwrite your previous submission until the assignment due date and time.
Note: If you have made a previous submission to the Turnitin assignment you will not be able to resubmit work after the assignment due date even though late submissions may have been allowed by your tutor.
Please contact your tutor for further support and guidance relating to this matter.
Can I resubmit my work after the due date?
YES, providing your tutor has allowed late submissions for the Turnitin assignment.
In this instance only those who have not already submitted work to the Turnitin assignment will be allowed to submit after the assignment due date.
Note: You are not allowed to overwrite a late submission with a resubmission.
Please contact your tutor for further support and guidance relating to this matter.
Where can I view my Originality Report?
Once a submission has been made to a Turnitin assignment, the submission inbox will contain the submitted paper(s). If your tutor has allowed students to view the Originality Report for their submission(s), a percentage icon will appear once the report(s) has been generated.
Where can I view my grade and feedback?
The submission inbox contains the grade given for the submission and the Grade icon. After the assignment post date both the grade given and the feedback from the tutor(s) for the submission will be available to view by selecting the Grade icon.
Where can I get further help with Turnitin?
In the first instance, please contact your tutor for any specific issues relating to the submission of your work to Turnitin, assignment settings or accessing your grades/feedback.
More complex issues will be investigated by your tutor in liaison with the eLearning Team.
The IT Support Desk aren't able to deal with Turnitin related queires and matters directly but are able to log tasks to be addressed by the eLearning Team.