In this section you will find some information about isolation and some techniques you may want to try to help you cope with isolation.
Isolation can be more accurately measured by the number of social contacts the person has. It can occur for many reasons such as having physical and mental health problems; financial issues; relationship breakdown; moving to a new area; changing social group to name but a few.
For some people, solitude is a way of life which temperamentally suits them and they may not feel lonely even if they have no visitors. For other people social isolation is a very new situation that can feel difficult to deal with and impact on our wellbeing.
Social isolation can lead to intense feelings of loneliness and low mood, it can also make us feel tired and effect our overall health. Loneliness refers to how individuals evaluate their level and quality of social contact, you can be in a house full of people and still feel lonely.
This section will look at ways in which we can cope with isolation, and what things we can do to maintain our emotional wellbeing during periods of isolation. Don't forget to complete the activity and assessment to earn a digital badge!